History shows that alcohol has always been consumed by people all over the world. Even though alcohol has an important role in many cultures and it has its own transcendental effects, alcohol has detrimental effects on human life. Consumption of alcohol can lead to liver damage, fatty liver, eye problems, vomiting, etc. Additionally, alcohol can cause impairment in judgement, anxiety, depression and a shorter memory span. All of these are just the effects of alcohol on an individual. It also has adverse effects on the social life of a person. When under the influence of alcohol, people are known to have committed crime- stolen, killed or abused family members. Alcohol is, in fact, the reason behind many failed marriages and even more cases of poverty and unemployment. When one looks at these adverse effects of alcohol, it is only logical to deduce that alcohol sale must be prohibited. Prohibition seems to be the answer to all of our problems. However, prohibition is not a very feasible idea.

If put into practice, prohibition will give rise to a plethora of problems. Alcohol is one of the biggest contributors in the national income. If we ban the sale of alcohol, we will be losing a major part of our income. Alcohol is not something that people can live without, these days. Therefore, a ban will only give rise to additional black money and corruption. Gangs will acquire alcohol through illegal means and it will be sold in the black market at ridiculous prices. Moreover, the breweries will run out of business which will lead to further unemployment. The raw materials for the production of alcohol will suffer losses. Bars will run out of business. Apart from contributing to the unemployment percentage, it will also hinder the market for bar equipments and the special kind of glasses used in bars.

So we can conclude that prohibition will only do more harm than good. The social evils will have no change and there will only be an addition to the heap of problems in our country. Alcohol is a killer and we must deal with it tactfully. Increasing the taxes and selling it at exorbitant prices may yield better results. In any case, after viewing the ill-effects of prohibition, we can safely assume that prohibition cannot delete this social evil from society.


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