
Showing posts from February, 2023

Old Loves

An odd assortment of English, kesudas and golden showers Agatha Christie once said, ‘Nothing like boredom to make you write.’ It is true. As I write this, I am sitting in the library with my books open in front of me and I, for the life of me, cannot make myself study Hamlet and his sad tale. Like every normal teenager, I turned to surfing the net and suddenly remembered that I have a blog. Here I am, writing on said blog, hoping to make this an awesome entry. English is a funny language. The plural of foot is feet and not foots and the plural of goose is geese and not gooses . All through school and until quite recently, I, like many others, had just accepted this funny quality of the English language and simply followed the rules. English is a wonky tongue, I told myself. But now, for one hour on most days, I get to understand English and the what’s and why’s of the language. Yes, English is a wonky language but now I get to have my mind blown by why it is so wonky. You know, i...