New books, unromantic rains and some other stuff What do you think this blog post is going to be about? Rains in the month of June? Probably. However, since the title has the word ‘June’ in it, I can assure you that this will be something related to the month of June. In hindsight, I could have pretended to be a wonderful author and whipped up something totally unexpected and swooned you but hey! Who am I kidding? The last time I wrote something half decent was a very long time ago and that’s kind of why I am here talking to you through this blog. Here I am, wiping the metaphorical dust and cobwebs off my blog page and writing something entirely new. At the moment, I hope this newfound motivation of mine stays and I successfully keep my blog from gathering dust again. (Fingers crossed!) If you're thinking, ‘Krishna, stop. You haven't written for a long time and you’re procrastinating by simply rambling.’, I won’t keep you waiting any longer and dive right in. As promised, I wil...