The Environment and Climate Change

The Doomsday Clock has been set to ‘100 seconds to midnight’ this year. It is a wake-up call for world leaders to rise and save humanity from a total apocalypse. Climate change is real and it is evident, now more than ever. The present condition of the earth is extremely shameful. As intelligent creations of nature, we humans have done a shoddy job of looking after the environment. As a species, we have managed to consistently impinge Mother Earth, the consequences of which are clearly visible now. A wise man once said, ‘We have not inherited the earth from our forefathers; we have borrowed it from our children.’ Anthropogenic climate disruption is the cause of all mishaps happening today. If we do not respond to the planet’s cries for help, it won’t be long before civilization crumbles. Each action of ours affects the environment directly or indirectly. As people living in cities, we do not feel the change directly, but in the blink of a geological eye, glaciers, forests, rive...