‘... Liberty of thoughts, expression, belief, faith and worship...’ These lines from the Preamble of The Constitution of India state its intention of providing the citizens with the right to express themselves freely. This ideal of the Preamble is reflected in Article 19(A) of the Constitution, which gives Indian citizens their fundamental rights. The right to speech is a basic human right. In India, this right allows the citizens to speak up and share their opinion publically without any fear. However, in recent times, it has been noted that this right has been condemned for many. Recently, in the USA, Donald Trump proposed to put some restrictions on what people could post on social media. While this appears to be a power move attempting to curtail people's tendencies to spread unverified information, aka rumours, it takes away their liberty to say what they want and what they feel. Obviously, Trump then had to face lots of protests, but that's a story for another day! Th...