Have you heard of Andrew O'Hagan? Have you read his piece 'In Praise of Technology'? Well, for those of you who haven't, 'In Praise of Technology' is a fascinating take on an issue which is talked about the most these days. If you find somebody writing about whether technology is a boon or a bane, you would undoubtedly expect the writer's rant on how technology has ruined our life and how pleasant and romantic things were before technology became ingrained into our lives. However, there is a change of perspective here. You won't find any of his complaints in the said article. The writer has fully embraced the fact that no matter how much we deny it, technology is a boon and in some ways, we cannot work without it. When I read the thing, I found myself fully agreeing to whatever he said. It is true, I would never like to travel miles together just to get a music album. I love Spotify. Just like he has pointed out, I too believe that my phone i...